Yogi Yoganand, also known as Yogendra Mishra, is an internationally acclaimed Pran Energy expert and a Yoga and Spiritual Guru with advanced education in various fields. He holds degrees in Arts, Computer Science, Law, Journalism, Yoga, Naturopathy, Natural Pharma, and Alternative Medicine.
During his student life, he won numerous national-level awards and gold medals. Known for his gentle demeanor and versatile personality, Yogi Yoganand has received many secret spiritual practices from his Guru, Swami Ramdev Das Ji, who meditated in the Himalayas for 60 years.
Yogi Yoganand has been practicing yoga and meditation for 33 years and has provided free training to underprivileged students for 25 years, resulting in thousands of his students holding high administrative positions and serving society and the nation.
For the past 10 years, he has inspired numerous patients to achieve health benefits and spiritual growth through Pran Yog therapy. He established the Pran Yog Trust and opened Pran Yog centers across the country, giving a new life to thousands of people through meditation practices.
He is proficient in 99 types of meditation, 99 types of spiritual practices, and 21 types of healing methods, and he has mastered remote healing. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he successfully healed thousands of people in India and abroad through remote healing. His first book, "Pran Yog: The Amazing Practices to Achieve Anything You Desire," became a best-seller.
Through his camps, he has healed millions of people and is recognized as the pioneer of Pran Yog. Yogi Yoganand Maharaj Ji has made over 40 inventions, greatly benefiting humanity. Pran Yog centers are being established in various parts of the world, including India, to alleviate human pain and suffering.
Victory to all!